Thursday, June 21, 2012

Swedish Midsummer - Midsommar

Tomorrow it's Midsummer Eve, the lightest day of the year and a tradition celebrated all over Sweden. This year The American Swedish Institute will not have a midsummer celebration since we are preparing for the Grand Opening June 30th. Prepare yourself for a great day tomorrow, we have everything you need for your kitchen for serving a perfect Midsummer buffe.

Trays by Sagaform makes me feel at home, snaps glasses is a must and Happy Days by Sagaform adds the perfect color touch to the buffe table.

Visit our online store or come visit us in our new space in the NCC Building. This week I miss the bright nights in Sweden and the preparations for the Midsummer party. Where I come from the sun never sets at this time of the year...

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Sweden's National Day

Did you know that tomorrow is the Swedish National Day?
Since 1916, June 6 has been celebrated as Swedish Flag Day. This finally also became Sweden’s National Day in 1983 and a public holiday from 2005.

Celebrate Sweden's National Day with Swedish flags and a JordgubbstĂ„rta (Swedish Strawberry cake with Whipped cream) Click Here for Swedish flags